Blogging has become a major source of income to many, thanks to the evolution of social media and the successful bloggers from whom many have become enticed.
Before, you’ll hear people say you should do it for the passion, but in recent times, while a few still say it, many have given up on that idea. Most bloggers are now into it for the money. lol :)
While a lot do it for the money, many are towing the wrong path, expecting to get the right results, which is an aberration.
Even if you have Adsense account and your blog is relatively new, there is a high possibility that your ads account would be frustrating, due to the fact that your traffic is low, you don’t have loyal readers yet etc. but after reading this post, I believe your eyes would be open to why you are not earning yet.
Without further ado, lets get into why you are where you are as a blogger.
»1. You are in the wrong Niche
If you are not in a niche where you are having fun, there is a high possibility you would fail (sorry to say).
If you came into blogging because of one famous entertainment blogger, consequently you named your blog “naijathisandnaijathat”, with time, you’ll realize you are not enjoying yourself if you've got no passion for entertainment blogging.
Blogging is lucrative when you enjoy doing it, this way, you’ll be creative to generate ideas that would yield profit.
All you need to do, is to find something you love doing. No niche is bad. Some might look more profitable than others but if you are enjoying it,you’ll get people to like you and in no time, you’ll have made yourself an authority and a trail blazer.
Your niche should be one you can easily perform even when you are half asleep. When you find that area, never let it go.
»2. You lack resources
I hear some people say they don’t have a laptop to blog with, they don’t have a modem with which to connect, they lack finance to subscribe etc…
With these excuses, how do you want to outshine one who is always online?
I wanted to give a guy a job to work for my client, since I won’t be available. To my surprise, he asked me to tell my client to pay him upfront so as to enable him buy data. I found that ridiculous but I still cared and wanted to help. So, I obliged but my client refused and we ultimately gave it to somebody else.
How do you handle running out of data and abandon your blog for another 3 weeks because you do not have data. If you need a laptop, smart phone or any tool to help you blog right, do get it.
Get a job.
It's more effective blogging if you have a job that funds your blog before you start making the profits’.
»3. Zero, Poor or Wrong Publicity Method
If you blog and don’t publicize, then I wonder who would read your posts.
Entertainment bloggers tend to spam Facebook groups, but that’s not easy or adviceable for niche bloggers because the traffic won’t be targeted.
So publicity is very pertinent, but the method of publicity is very crucial too because you need to take your contents to a market were it’s needed. Imagine publicizing an agric blog to a mobile phone and tech community. You’d lose cash, waste precious time and be frustrated ultimately.
**SOLUTION: Identify the particular market where your content is needed; don’t just start an ad because your friends are doing it, understand the need of your readers and meet it.
»4. You’re following the crowd
If you came into blogging because of someone who made a lot of money, you are likely to do this because you will follow his rules and his rules alone.
However, the very first rule of blogging is that “Blogging has no rule”. Stop following peoples template and find what works for you. Your style should be your style.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t adopt people’s style, but you should make sure they are working for you, once they don’t, forget them, there is no rule to blogging.
Develop your style and don’t religiously follow their style because again there is no law.
»5. You are not rendering services
I have said this time and again; I’ve made more money rendering blog services than I have from ads.
I get paid from what firms would call consultation (I don’t call it that yet) people contact me and ask me to tell them how I do things, I get paid designing blogs, adding some codes to templates, domain registering and setting up, and many other services and these requests come in so frequently that they give me tough time updating my own blog.
If you are not rendering services then you are losing a lot. Create a page on your blog telling your readers services you render and, post on twitter and on your Facebook wall services you can render and you will start getting requests in no time.
It can be anything, you can offer to update blogs for people ( 15 posts at $50 for 5 blogs would give you $250) and that is cool money for a start, and the interesting part is that you can use the same content(if it is an entertainment blog) for your own blog with only little or no changes.
You can do a lot of things, just be creative and see the cash start trickling in. To Your Success.
» IT's UP TO YOU !!
Source: Ogbongeblog
Thank's for reading this post
5 Reasons You're Not Making It As A Blogger YetCreated at 2016-08-27 12:21

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